Our Manager, Deputy Manager and each Senior member of staff with a minimum of SVQ III (or working towards it) are responsible for a team of Carers with SVQ II in Care qualification (or working towards it).
You will have a key care worker designated specifically to you and with whom you may discuss anything you may need. If they are not around do not hesitate to speak to any of the staff at any time.
Our Manager is highly qualified with extensive experience in the Care Sector. We have invested in the training of our staff ensuring the highest standards of professional care for our residents. Our staff are trained to provide a caring service for residents and you will be looked after by sensitive, knowledgeable people who understand your needs and are available to talk to on your own or with your relatives at any time.

We have a recreational organiser to help plan daily activities here and any suggestions are welcomed.
You can watch television in any of the public rooms or in your own room and DVDs are available for use at any time.
There are entertainers, visits from local schools and outside excursions which are organised on a regular basis - relatives and visitors are welcomed on these trips.
It is a legal requirement for an enhanced disclosure check to be requested for each individual who works with vulnerable client groups.
As Care of the Elderly we fall into one of these categories therefore an enhanced disclosure must be requested. Staff can commence prior to this being received back from Disclosure Scotland but they must not work on their own behind closed doors with a resident until a satisfactory Disclosure check is received. Disclosure checks should be redone every 3 years and is the responsibility of management.
An independent Advocacy service is available if you require this. Information on this service can be found on the notice board in the hall. If you require assistance to access this service then please do not hesitate to ask any member of staff.